Following the landing of English troops on the beaches of Coruxo on the 10th, Bouzas is taken on the 11th and on the following day the coast between San Miguel de Oia and San Martiño de Coia is also taken. The assault on the town is imminent. On 12 October, Vigo capitulates as it lacks the resources to put up a defence in order to avoid looting. On 13 October, the regiments enter the town and, despite the capitulation agreement, the town is looted as punishment for the Spanish campaign in Scotland. That same day at night, the siege of the O Castro fortress begins.
Following the capitulation of the town, the Marquis of Parga, as the military governor of Vigo, orders the regular troops to move to the fortress and entrusts its defence to Brigadier José de los Herreros, the governor of the fortress. His orders also include sabotaging the defences of the town so that the English cannot use them against them. On 13 October the siege begins with a relentless bombardment for days on end.
Herreros, who was wounded in combat on 16 October and taken to the Spanish headquarters in Porriño the following day, is replaced by colonel Fadrique González de Soto. After a sleepless week, facing food scarcity and subjected to a heavy bombardment with over 3,000 shells being fired, the garrison capitulated on 19 October with military honours to abandon the fortress on the 21, parading with its banners and flags on its way to Redondela. On 7 November, the English leave Vigo.